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Haemostatic absorbable gelatine sponge with surface modification for increased tissue adhesion
Now Available
For Vets
TenaTac is used during and after surgical procedures to achieve local haemostasis by tamponade effect. It adheres strongly to the operative site to reduce the risk of dislodgement and post-operative bleeding. TenaTac is absorbed in 2 weeks.
Instructions for use
TenaTac has a CE Mark and is manufactured according to EN ISO 13485:2016.


TenaTac® is currently available in three sizes and in cartons containing 5 units. For further information on the product, pricing and purchasing TenaTac® from Selentus, please contact:
07565 825662
Disclaimer: TenaTac is approved as a Class III Medical Device in Europe and is CE-marked. Any claims are with reference to human surgical use. No therapeutic claims are made with respect to veterinary surgical use.
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